
Communication Trailer: All the Information You Need

Organisations throughout the world are already seeing the advantages of vehicles for mobile commands. These automobiles and the communication trailer are essential parts of their fleet as a result of incidents like multiple-casualty crimes, massive building fires, massive wildfires, tactical situations, crowd control, hazardous materials incidents, and manufactured disasters.

Several organisations are required to react in such circumstances, including law enforcement, fire mutual aid  companies, municipal, federal and state emergency response. The emergency communication trailer may provide the tools the incident’s chief needs for coordination, control, interoperability, and communication.

The portable command centres provide power, mine site communication, and workspace solutions to assist both business continuity and emergency response deploy mine site communication everywhere in the world. gives customers access to a completely mobile, self-sufficient working setting that facilitates communication and operation regardless of  their surroundings. Each mobile command centre system is created to satisfy the unique requirements of the client.

Centre for Emergency Response

Response Resources

Portable command posts from CCS can be set up throughout the world, and help with disaster reaction, business survival, and power and connection needs. Customers may communicate and do business utilising the setting for mobile work that  CCS offers, regardless of their location.

The MERCTM line of specifically designed portable communication and power trailers can offer a fully working phone, a climate-controlled radio network, data, and a workstation  15 minutes after being sent out.

MercTM Lite Mobile Emergency

Response Resources

A completely operational phone, data, and radio network may be provided by the MERC Lite, a small yet capable trailer for portable electricity and communications,15 minutes after deployment. The  tactical trailer is light enough to be flown, loaded into a cargo aircraft, or transported by the majority of everyday vehicles and weighs less than 3,500 pounds. 

Where bigger command centre vehicles and trailers are located cannot enter, the MERC Lite may be utilised. Additionally, a MERC Lite is better suited for crowded urban regions that have  limited parking and curvy roads.

Unmanned Aerial System MERCTM

Services Carrier

Provides data and communication from the air. The 5-in-1, very accurate wireless weather sensor precisely gauges the following variables: humidity, temperature, wind velocity, wind point, and rain. The humidity, temperature, wind velocity, wind point, and rain are all shown on the lit colour display. 

Create email and SMS alerts, programmed a weather alert system humidity, temperature, rain, wind, heat index, dew point, storm alerts, and other alerts to inform you when circumstances change or your preset criteria are satisfied.

Automated announcing takeoff and landing over the public address system for viewers, actuated by footswitches. Long-range aural warnings are provided by the hundred-watt siren system.

Broadband With A Half-Mile Radius For Toughsat T-100

Hotspot In Any Place

The T-100 portable communications trailer may be used for a variety of tasks made using Ground Control and can be rapidly put up anywhere to provide a high-speed satellite Internet connection (20 Mbps x 5 Mbps) and Any in-range wireless device may reach this wireless access point at a distance of 0.82 kilometres (0.62 miles). 

This efficient communication tool may provide necessary VoIP phone and Internet access five minutes following parking, allowing  the towing automobile to do other tasks.

Guidelines for Grant Proposals in Communications

There have been several communications trailer and vehicle award bids during the last few years. Many of them have been funded by us, but going forwards, we won’t give them as much attention. We will provide some of these programmes with funding, but less than in the past. This suggests that for your plan to be approved, it must be exceptional.

Guidelines for a unique proposal:

Highlight the use of your car or trailer.  This could be the most crucial point to keep in mind. Not only in the event of a calamity but often, we wish to employ these initiatives. By often using your trailer, you can not only ensure that the safety features function but also spread the word about amateur radio. 

Clarify your intentions for the trailer or automobile as well. Don’t merely state that the video will be used for outreach. Give specific examples of your intended audience-reaching strategies. List the emergency communications organisations that will utilise the trailer and the exercises they conduct annually if you wish to create a trailer for emergency communications.

Include messages of support from the community or the serviced organisation.  You must include a letter from the emergency manager outlining how the trailer fits into their strategy and will assist them in carrying out their duties if you believe the trailer would aid the county’s disaster management team.

Demonstrate local support.  If your community has donated or is prepared to provide time, materials, or money to make your trailer, we’ll favour your submission.

Project And Financial Plan

Next, a thorough budget and project plan are created. This includes a list of all anticipated expenses as well as a strategy for constructing a trailer. Please mention:

  • Vehicle price.  Large trailer or motorhome purchases may not be financed by us. These cars are expensive to store, insure, and maintain.
  • Radio equipment. Your suggestion should show how the required equipment will help you utilise it the way you’ve proposed. Think about whether you need that satellite station for a cycling vacation or that $10,000 HF transceiver for local emergency communications.
  • Temperature management. Trailers may be warm in the summer or cold in the winter, depending on use. They are solely useful for controlling temperature. Add a line of graphics. The trailer’s owner and services are shown in graphics.
  • In connection with this, there will be expenditures for insurance, licences, safekeeping, maintenance, and costs, just in case.

The two major goals of communication trailers are access to remote areas and the supply of necessary communications. Almost everywhere may have temporary connections thanks to the portable range of devices, and Australia’s most severe weather conditions won’t be able to harm them because of the construction’s strength and resilience. 

We can construct a mobile solution that can be relocated based on the requirements of your project in addition to our expanding collection of traditional designs.

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